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Construction History of the Sheriffs Residence and Jail
February 1st, 1875
Hamilton County Board of Commissioners
Henry Bray, Sylvanus Carey, and Jacob Stehman
They met with the auditor to consider the subject of building a new jail. They resolved to build a jail during the year 1875 – 1876 at a cost of not more than $25,000. The final cost was $30,000.
They did this as they deemed it was a absolute necessity due to having to transport prisoners to other counties.
It was resolved to build it at the southwest corner of the public square.
Architect: W. R Parson of Terre Haute
Contractor: Williams, Giger & Durfee of Noblesville
The bricks used were made locally in Noblesville.
Millwork [doors windows, blinds, and moldings were all made in Noblesville at a mill across from the railroad depot.
Construction began in early June 1875
August 1875 Stone columns of the residence front are in position and the bricklayers are now working on the bricks.
September 1875 construction on the jail portion was now in full swing
October 1875 – From the Noblesville Ledger, workmen are putting cornice and roof on the residence portion of the new jail. The prison cells, all iron is nearly completed. The building, when finished, will present a fine appearance.
December 1st 1875 was the expected completion date, and it was not done by that day. The building was not enclosed until November 1875 and the remaining months were devoted to interior finish. Five months of delay was due to weather, labor, materials, and the project taking longer than they had expected.
The original jail had twelve cells

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